Monday, 29 September 2014

Dredd (2012) Essay Preparation

Judge Dredd Essay

Your next essay will look at why Dredd failed at the box office. As preperation you need to research the following "key facts" and create a film fact file. Wikipedia is a good starting point but I have also added the occasional link to a more detailed site.

Pre Production
Who were the films producer, distributor and and script writer? (try and find other films by these groups)
  • Produced by: Alex Garland, Andrew Macdonald, Allon Reich
  • Distributed by: Entertainment Film Distributors, Lionsgate
Who are Lionsgate (who owns them?)
  • Owners: Mark Rachesky, Jon Feltheimer, Michael Burns
Who are IM Global (who owns them?)
  • Owners: Stuart Ford, Jonathan Deckter
Who are DNA films (who owns them and who partnered with them?)
  • Owners: Duncan Kenworthy, Andrew Macdonald
  • Partnered With: Fox Networks Group
How was the funding for DNA originally split?
  • -
Why did they need to maintain their relationship with Fox Searchlight?
  • -
When did Lionsgate announce their three picture deal with IM Global?
  • Announced: During November 2010
Where did Carl Urban announce his role in Dredd?
Why migh this have helped attract the film's target audience
How much money did Dredd make from pre sales (this is people buying the right to show your film)?
  • Money Made: $30 Million
How much did a distributer pay for the rights to show the film in the UK?
Where was the movie filmed?
  • Filmed: Johannesburg, South Africa

When was the 'lawgiver' gun built and designed?
During which other UK film was the 'slo mo' sequences designed?
  • Slo Mo Sequences Designed During: Never Let Me Go
How did the film makers feel about making an 18 certificate film?

How long did it take to film Dredd?
  • Time Taken: 3 Years
Which camera was used to film Dredd?
  • Camera's Used: RED MX, SI2K, Phantom Flex High-Speed Cameras
Why did they need to create new camera rigs?
  • Needed New Camera Rigs Because: They Needed Close Up Shots Which Could Not Be Taken

Post production
What issue affected the films editing?
  • Issues: Creative Disagreements Between Producers And Executives

Distribution and marketing
How many cinemas was Dredd released in and how many ONLY showed it in 3D?
  • Film Released in: 2,506 Cinema's
How did producers begin promoting Dredd3D
What viral marketing campaign did the producers use for Dredd?
  • Viral Marketing Campaign: The "Dredd Report" which featured a video commending the use of Slo-Mo and links to news of the film
The film premiered at Fantastic Fest, what is it and why would this appeal to the films target audience?
  • Fantastic Fest: The largest genre film festival in the U.S., specializing in horror, sci-fi, and action.
  • Why Would This Appeal: Because the Film and Comic Book genre is sci-fi and action. 
Which awards did the films marketing campaign win?
  • Award: Golden Trailer Award for Best Thriller TV Spot
How much money did the film gross at the box office?
  • Film Gross: $41 Million
What unusual step did the film's UK distributors take to ensure people watched in 3D?
What percentage of audiences are physically incapable of seeing a 3D image?
What % of light is lost in a 3D film?
Which film was Dredd unfortunate to be released after?
  • Film: The Raid
In the UK which position in the DVD charts did Dredd occupy?
What might this show about the decision to allow only a 3D release

In the US which audience demographic was the largest?
How many units did Dredd sell on DVD/BluRay in the US?
  • Units Sold: Approximately 650,000
How much money did this bring in?
  • Money: $10 Million in North America

Your final task is to attempt the following essay and publish on your blog by the end of Tuesday September 30th.
1000 words

50 marks:
  • 25 marks for argument
  • 25 marks for evidence
Write about Dredd and a superhero blockbuster of your own choice.

Evidence includes:
  • film type
  • studios/ production company
  • year
  • box office figure
  • marketing
  • stars



1. Pre-production: source material, stars, director, producers, budget
2. Production: Red x cameras, 3D, South Africa, cheap
3. Post-production: Marketing, distribtution (number of screens), length of cinema run

Then write about the same 3 elements for the film of your choice.

Other points to consider:

  1. Dredd as a cult film
  2. Dredd has an 18 certificate
  3. Marvel films are usually 12A or PG13 (four quadrant pictures)
  4. Superhero films are everywhere
  5. Developments in CGI means this type of film can be made easily
  6. Marvel (owned by Disney) owns Spiderman and all the Avengers characters
  7. DC (Warner Bros. produce the DC films) owns Superman and Batman
  8. Dredd was made to compete with US films
  9. Problems with the character/ source material: can't see Dredd's face, very violent, a bleak dystopia
  10. The film wasn't 'British' enough

Friday, 26 September 2014

Reprasentation of Tony

Representation Of Tony

Tony is represented as a stereotypical generic male teenager as the audience would see him however there are actions to indicate otherwise. For example, his rebelliousness side towards his father emphasises the stereotypical view that teenage boys are troublesome and rather ignorant in regards to those both is their household and those around them. Although, there are numerous factors shown in the first episode of skins that suggests his rebellion may be an emotional veil to cover up a rather intelligent teenager. That may however emphasise the common belief that teenagers are emotional. We gain a first interpretation of Tony when he is laying in the middle of his bed without even a sign of movement, as if he is trapped. This may be due to current affairs, mental stress or even just a sign he is trapped behind the emotional veil he later reveals to the audience. A secondary factor to show his strange actions that may disregard the common stereotype is that he is reading a book called 'Nausea' by Jean-Paul Sartre which like teenagers has a stereotype of its own. Being known as a university grade novel, this may reflect to the audience that Tony truly is an intelligent character. Tony's room is a huge factor that indicates he may not be an average teenager, with retro film posters and clothes almost religiously tidy, Tony breaks the stereotype of having mainstream loves and being an average 'slob'. There is however a stereotype that Tony portrays almost strangely well and that is the belief that teenagers (specifically male) focus primarily on one Tony's lust toward the woman across the road which causes both his perception to see his sister and his time to just freeze. There may be queries on what Tony is, but what we can tell from the first episode is that he is most definitely the leader of his social group. This is due to the fact that we see him discussing an event with every member and they listen with obedience, especially when changing between friends. Showing that tony is a little animalistic as he is both resourceful which we tell from the scene with the music player but also dominant.
Tony is most definitely not an average teenager, however there are aspects of his behaviour that may make someone think otherwise.

Monday, 15 September 2014

The Key Areas

The Key Areas:

Shots: establishing shot, master shot, close-up, mid-shot, long shot, wide shot, two-shot, aerial shot, point of view shot, over the shoulder shot, and variations of these.
High angle, Low angle, Canted angle.
Pan, Tilt, Track, Dolly, Crane, Steadicam, Hand-held, Zoom, Reverse zoom. 
Framing, Rule of thirds, Depth of field – Deep and Shallow focus, Focus pulls.
Includes transition of image and sound – continuity and non-continuity systems.
Shot/reverse shot, Eyeline match, Graphic match, Action match, Jump cut, Crosscutting, Parallel editing, Cutaway; insert.
Other transitions, Dissolve, Fae-in, Fadeout, wipe, superimposition, long take, short take, slow motion, ellipsis and expansion of time, post-production, visual effects.
Sore, Incdental music, themes and stings, ambient sound.
Diegetic and non-diegetic sound;
Synchronous/Asynchronous sound; Sound effects; Sound motif, Sound bridge, Dialogue, Voiceover, Mode of address/Direct address, Sound mixing, Sound perspective.
Production design:
Location, Studio, Set design, Costume and Make-up, Properties.
Colour design.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014


5x5 Media Work

Top 5 Bands and Artists:

  • Wu Tang Clan
Showing that hip hop is not just the stereotypical ‘thug’ music, this group shows how hip hop can be both soulful and inspiring and be very eclectic with language. With a personal favourite album of ‘Wu Tang Forever’. 
  • A Tribe Called Quest
A Tribe Called Quest is one of Hip Hops most legendary, beloved and revered groups of all time and for good reason. Easily recognized for their unique approach to rap music by employing jazz infused soundscapes to Afro centric rhymes and often the philosophical aggressive posturing associated with hip-hop.
  • Ella Fitzgerald
Although she is not a living artist, she was still dubbed "The First Lady of Song," and rightly so as Ella Fitzgerald was the most popular female jazz singer in the United States for more than half a century. In her lifetime, she won 13 Grammy awards and sold over 40 million albums. In my opinion, her voice was flexible, wide-ranging, accurate and ageless and her music both inspires me and began my journey to an eclectic taste in music.
  • Immortal Technique
Born in a military hospital in South America and not being signed to a label company or as he puts it, “Keeping his freedom of speech”, this rap artist and activist can express feelings and opinions without being censored resorting in very expressive and in some peoples opinion anarchist hip hop. Because of his hatred of censoring labels, he created his own known as ‘Viper Records’. My personal favourite album is either ‘Martyr’ or ‘Revolutionary Volume 2’
  • The Cure
The Cure is an English rock band formed in Crawley, West Sussex, in 1976. The band has experienced several line-up changes, with vocalist, guitarist and principal songwriter Robert Smith being the only constant member. My favourite album is ‘Disintegration’ as it combines both the old gothic sounds with a melodic undertow. In my opinion, nothing beats this sublime songwriting.

Top 5 Films:

  • Star Wars Episode Five: The Empire Strikes Back
Being my all time favourite film, this film is dark, sinister, but ultimately even more involving than A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back defies viewer expectations and takes the series to heightened emotional levels. My favourite quote of the whole film is “Nooooooooo!” for the sheer fact its hilariously bad acting in that one and only line. 
  • Star Wars Episode Six: Return Of The Jedi
It may be brilliant, but it cannot compare to The Empire Strikes Back. `It avoids having the standard shoot-'em-up ending,' says a friend of mine, `by not having an ending.' I suppose this is what most people think, but all the same the film manages to form a satisfying whole; or at least, a whole that satisfies me.
  • Looper
With an enticing story with a rather twisted root. This film has both great action and great use of prosthetics. If you have already seen it, you will know how great it is and if you haven't, you will be happy i introduced you.
  • Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street

Full of pith and Grand Guignol grossness, this macabre musical is perfectly helmed and highly entertaining. Tim Burton masterfully stages the musical in a way that will make you think he has done this many times before. 
  • Batman: The Dark Knight
Dark, complex and unforgettable, The Dark Knight succeeds not just as an entertaining comic book film, but as a richly thrilling crime saga. Among the great strengths of The Dark Knight is the way it combines hard boiled naturalism with the kind of stunts and set pieces you expect in summer blockbusters. To talk of Heath Ledger's performance is difficult, merely because, as gigantic as it is, it is only one important feature of an intricately wrought canvas.
Top 5 Actors/Actresses:
  • Tom Hardy
Tom Hardy is an English actor, London-born, thirty-six years old. He has been the star of the lead and titular character in two movies made in England, ‘Bronson and’ ‘Locke’. Numerous other exceptional films he is in: Inception, Dark Knight Rises and I am eager for the  upcoming Mad Max film.

  • Alan Rickman 

He is greatly respected on the London stage, played the terrorist leader in ‘Die-Hard’, had an excellent role in ‘Quigley Down Under’. In the Tim Burton film ‘Sweeney Todd’ he was a creepy and villainous judge that left you wanting him to have more screen time. However he most likely is mainly known for his role as Severus Snape in Harry Potter.
  • Denzel Washington 
Although most of Denzel Washington's characters are the same, he plays them up extraordinarily well. Denzel Washington gives his character roles emotion and he becomes the character that fits in with the movie. I personally think Denzel is a fantastic actor. Next time you watch one of his movies, like ‘John Q’, look past the character and look at the emotions that are an intricate part to his role.
  • Helena Bonham Carter
Often referred to as the "Corset Queen" or "English Rose" because of her early work, Helena Bonham Carter has continued to surprise audiences with magnificent performances in a variety of role. Though consistently a versatile and engaging actress, Helena Bonham Carter has never won a major American film award. However, she has received a number of critical awards and has been nominated for five Golden Globes, an Oscar, a SAG Award, and two Emmys. I personally enjoy her role in Tim Burtons ‘Sweeney Todd’ and her inspiring role in ‘The Kings Speech’.
  • Gary Oldman
His role as Drexel Spivey in True Romance is unbelievable and he can play any role he's asked to better than anyone else ever could. As many movies as possible need to include Gary Oldman as a lead or the lead role so we can see more of what he is capable of pulling off. Being in a few of my favourite films, this may be a bias. Nevertheless, I truly believe he is the greatest actor of this generation.

Top 5 TV Series’:
  • Game Of Thrones
Game of Thrones is epic. No more needs to be said. However for work purposes...Game of Thrones is a fantasy drama based on the’ A Song of Ice and Fire series. It's set in a fantasy universe, which is a bit Medieval-ish (they fight with swords, ride horses ,wear armour, stuff like that). It's about the members of several houses of which most live in the continent ‘Westeros’. Many things happen, but actually most characters' main goal is to become ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. There are a lot of fights but also a lot of emotional stuff. Some episodes feature gore and very  explicit stuff and the show is known for unexpected character deaths. Having some of the mind boggling episodes of a series I have ever seen there is no way this couldn't be in my top 5. 
  • Arrow
I don't watch any more than ten shows so I kind of had to put this in. It may be due to my love of comic books and the character green arrow himself. I felt that the main actor properly conveys a sombre and mature attitude in contrast with the character we assume from the prologue. The action is intense and not over the top or completely unbelievable which I appreciate. Although he does not look like the original character which I so dearly love, I still think the show is very enjoyable and has an opportunity to do well in the future with the story. Whether they do that or not I'm waiting to see.
  • Friends
Every episode of Friends will make you laugh non-stop. We have grown to love the characters and what happens to them. The fitting personalities of these characters are absolute genius. I enjoy how the characters all have their own quirky personality yet they harmonise to make a hilarious show to watch.
  • Third Rock From The Sun
I find this a phenomena and unique show, a refreshing touch amidst an enormous accumulation of 'single-people-in-the-city' comedies that aren't on here(although some of these are worthy amongst themselves). I love the ingenious concept of providing insights of human culture and behavior in such a comical, hilarious method. Bizarre components of humanity I would never have noticed are cleverly pointed out in this terrific series!
  • My Wife And Kids
A modern take on the Cosby show, The key thing that works here is the cast, much in the same way they did in Cosby. This is predominantly a far more modern family, younger parents and wilder children. Damon Wayon's is the father, Michael and he is hilarious. Damon is all about his delivery and is also a great physical comedian. I love Tisha Campbell as Jay, the mother of the household. She looks way too young to have two adult children but you soon forget that. She is vivacious and infectious. There are many more hilarious characters that will never stop humouring me. although it isn't played anymore i still enjoy watching the episodes and i truly believe they will never get old.
Top 5 Books:
  • Star Wars - Darth Bane: The Path Of Destruction

“Once the Sith Order teemed with followers. But their rivalries divided them in endless battles for supremacy. Until one dark lord at last united the Sith in the quest to enslave the galaxy—and exterminate the Jedi. Yet it would fall to another, far more powerful than the entire Brotherhood of Darkness, to ultimately realize the full potential of the Sith, and wield the awesome power of the dark side as never before.”
  • The Tenebrous Way

Being obsessed star wars , this book is an absolute favourite. The story is from the point of view of Tenebrous. It takes place when he is killed by Plagueis, but his consciousness remains in the Force while he is trapped within his own decaying body. its just...Fantastic!
  • Empire Of Silver
“The fourth novel in the Conqueror series, It is the middle of the thirteenth century. One of the most extraordinary military empires in history is riding high. But its architect, the Great Khan, Genghis, is dead. Fearful that he cannot match his father’s great deeds, the new Khan turns his gaze to Russia, and beyond...What will happen when the storm from the East meets the stone walls and steel plate of the West? Can the legend and legacy of Genghis Khan live on?”
  • War And Peace
War and Peace is a historical novel written by Leo Tolstoy. It loosely describes the events of the Napoleonic Wars and life during that period. I use the term ‘loosely’ because War and Peace is a work of fiction and the contents may not be entirely historically accurate, although based on true events. What makes War and Peace a classic is the way Tolstoy plays with the readers emotions and expectations. You continue to believe in the events and characters described because they are born out of real history and creativity.
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Its a classic. Enough said.