Jonathon Batson and Cameron Letts
Common Stereotypes
Upper Class
to some as the bourgeoisie, the upper class or ‘ruling’ class, often are elderly
with a vast amount of money, usually with education at top universities, nights
out at exclusive clubs, perhaps careers in established law, politics or
financial firms or even medical specialties. Attend cultural activities such as
classical music performances, art museums, opera’s etc. They could spend their afternoons eating fine
cuisine at high quality restaurants owned by professional chefs. Often wearing
business clothes, but even casual clothes are upper class with expensive brands
and crafted from designers. This class is located in the media with TV shows such as House Of Cards.
Upper-Middle Class
people in the upper-middle class usually have a college education in practical
fields with well-paying jobs. With homes in pleasant areas or in nice city
areas they tend to volunteer in community activities. Wives often have careers with
household help on an as-needed basis. They have enough money for vacations and
expensive tickets to sporting events and music festivals. Teenage kids of this
class have cars of their own, this class is shown in the media via things such as the TV show 'Hannibal'
Middle Class
small businessmen, such as grocers and building contractors. Retirees.
Medium-sized homes, often owned. Careful with their money. Careful to always
look nice around other people. Church-goers. Old-fashioned home cooking. This class may be seen in films such as 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'
Working Class
steady but low-wage occupations such as store clerks, beauticians and amateur
painters, this class generally has a high school education and live in rented
housing. Occasionally get into difficulties with family turmoil, trouble with
small misdemeanours, pregnancies. Cheap, easily-prepared foods (spaghetti,
hamburgers), few fruits and vegetables. Blue jeans the wardrobe mainstay. Pop
and rock music constantly going. TV the main entertainment. Seen in films such as 'Green Street'
Lower Class
employment, School dropouts, Dependent on money from the government, living in
shabby, high-crime areas of the cities or in pockets of rural poverty. Ethnic
music, hispanic or rap. Little hope for achieving a better life. Seen in films such as 'Oliver Twist'
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